How to Enhance Domain Authority and Utilizing A Good Domain Authority Tracker to Improve Your SEO Results?

Do you know how to enhance your website’s authority? Search engines like Google are a primary mode for billions of users to explore something new. If you own an informative SEO blog, you can get your site at or nearer to your keyword phrases’ top rankings. By ranking top, you can get new traffic to your website.

On the other hand, many online entrepreneurs miss a primary element of the Search Engine Optimization strategy called Domain Authority.

Read on to learn how to improve the Domain Authority of your website.

What is Domain Authority?

Domain Authority is nothing but a better way to predict how well a Website ranks on Google. You can find your website’s domain authority by the SERP checker tool like WhatsMySERP.

Domain Authority is a long-term metric in the SEO world that takes more time and effort to impact.

Domain Authority Score

Many factors are used to calculate the DA score. Higher your DA score, the better your chance to get rank highly on Google Search Engine. For instance, the authorized domain will have a high DA score between 90 to 100. Whereas the smaller or new websites will have DA scores ranging from 10 to 20. This is because smaller websites may not have many powerful backlinks.

Always keep in mind that the DA score is just to predict your website position in search engines.

Guide to Enhance the Domain Authority of Your Website

Well, DA cannot be stolen or purchased from any other high-end websites. To increase your Domain Authority score rate, you need to create some strategies, great content, and patience.

For instance, if your Website’s DA is around the range of 0 to 20, it will be pretty easy for you to improve it to 35 to 40. But, when your DA grows around 50, then your progress in improving your DA might be much harder and quite slower. Below are some steps to enhance the Website’s Authority.

Quality Content

To achieve a good DA, provide unique and quality content. It does not matter how long you work on creating content. But what matters is that writing relevant, unique, and quality content. Content is one of the main things that attracts many visitors. Hence, don’t go out of the topic.

ON Page SEO – Optimization

Next to quality content, one of the essential things you should look for is ON page SEO. This plays an important role to improve your Website’s DA score from Low to High.

If it includes some technical factors like Title, Keyword Density, Primary Keyword, Permalink structure, Meta description, and Image optimization.

Usually, the Keyword density of your Keyword Phrase should be between 0.5 to 1.5%. Use your Keyword Phrase at any of your heading Tags at least for once. Keywords are one of the things that the best traffic estimators take into account to help businesses hone their marketing efforts even more and improve organic traffic to their websites.

Link Analysis

Usually, Search engines like Google look at the domains with a lot of links from authoritative websites. This will increase your DA score. Hence, make sure your Website’s backlinks are powerful and are high in their quality.

To analyze your Website’s backlinks, you can use SEO tools like WhatsMySERP checker and add your domain. This will check and track your backlinks and provide you a batch of data about them. Take a look at them and focus on digging deeper.

Plan for Powerful Links

We all know Backlinks are one of the essential factors to rank in Search Engines. A recent survey proves that without proper backlinks, more than 80% of websites are not getting any traffic. Hence, backlinks are a fundamental thing to gain website traffic. So it is important when building backlinks (also known as inbound links) to make sure you are aware of what they are classed as, either follow or nofollow. If you want to know “what is a nofollow link?”, and other related questions, you can check out websites similar to as well as others, for more clarification on the matter.

To get more backlinks for your site, reverse your competitors and get those links for your websites.

Plan for Link-Worthy Content

When you provide great content, people like to share them. In such a case, there is a high chance of getting backlinks from the authorized websites. Besides, this will increase the root domain score of your Website.

To improve your DA, look for the top-ranking pages on your Website and create related topics to the target audience. If it gets shared more online, there is more chance to improve your DA score by getting more backlinks.

Internal Links

Internal Links are one of the best SEO strategies to boost DA. Because Internal Links will engage the people on your site by navigating from one link to another or from one page to another. Also, it will help you to index your Website’s in the Google search engine.

Banish Bad Links

Some links to your site will be awful. Hence, get rid of it. To do this, either add a “Nofollow” tag to it or contact the site owner and request them to remove those kinds of links.

Mobile-Friendly Website

Make sure that your website is mobile-friendly. Currently, many users are searching for content on their smartphones rather than desktop. Hence, the mobile responsive web design is essential to rank on Google. If you don’t have a responsive website, it will affect your Website’s Domain Authority Score.

Wrapping Up

Though improving your Website’s Domain Authority is your goal, you should focus on building high-quality links from highly authorized sites. This will naturally improve your DA score and rank your website at the top of the search engine.

We hope you have gained some knowledge on improving the Domain Authority of your Website using our guide. Get started with improving your website DA!